Testimonial submitted 5/13/2016 by:
Peter Carides
S.A. Marines, Retired
Dear Karl,
I wanted to hereby provide you with some feedback on your incredible 1911 Combat NCO.
This past Monday, the 9th of May, I was out at a training range in south San Diego county, used by law enforcement and military. The range was filled with a couple of dozen Naval Special Warfare folks, as well as a few US Marines and myself. Two of the marines, one named David I and the other named Andrew H retired as Colonel and Lt. Colonel, respectively. Both had served more than 25 years, with multiple tours to the obvious places.
Anyway, both of them proudly produced their new 1911’s and commented on how pleased they were to not have to use their standard issue 9mm Beretta’s any longer. David had recently purchased a Les Baer Thunder Ranch and Andrew a Springfield Custom Operator-A1. The Range Safety Officer, Max, is an old Vietnam Veteran, and was drooling over their new hardware. Anyway, we all started shooting and after a short while, they saw that the grouping on my target was significantly tighter than theirs. Andy remarked that he couldn’t believe how much more accurate the 6” barrel was over their pistols. I told him that I did not have a 6” barrel, but rather a flash hider nose piece that made it look so. I walked over to them and they were intrigued by it, and immediately entered into a discussion between themselves and Max about how interesting the Combat NCO pistol looked. As I had two fully loaded magazines, I offered them the opportunity to shoot it. Andy shot a similar grouping to mine (about 2” at 32’) but, as he fired his last round, he commented as to how incredible the gun felt. David was next, with an even tighter group, at under 2” and commented that this was “by far the best 1911 I have ever shot”. Andy said, “me too, totally awesome”.
At this point, Max, (the RSO) was jumping at the opportunity to try it, so I handed my Combat NCO to him. Being a competitive pistol shooter for 15 years, he immediately put all 10 rounds within a 1.25” group. Everyone watching him was very impressed but he was even more so. He asked me if I had self-loaded ammo and I said, “no, why?” to which he replied, “because the recoil is way too low for a standard .45 cal. cartridge.” I told him to use some of the Navy's own 230 gr. Remington .45 cal. cartridges, which he did, not believing me entirely. This time, an even smaller grouping and exclamations from all present. All three guys loved the trigger pull, the overall balance and the lack of felt recoil.
The discussion ensued for a long while thereafter and at some point they asked me how much I paid for it. When I told them, they were a little surprised, commenting that it was quite expensive. I told them that I had long forgotten what it cost me, because it is by far my favourite firearm and worth every penny.
Thanks again for having developed such an outstanding product and for your years of incredibly professional customer support.
With best regards,
Peter Carides
S.A. Marines, Retired
600 Yard NCO Qualification
Testimonial submitted 9/15/2015
Shooter: R.S. Crimson
Witnesses/Spotters: Steve Davis, Karl Lippard
Weapon: 1911 A2 / T1 Combat NCO (pistol) - open sights
Range: 600 yards
Target: 24" Steel circle
Location: Ben Lomond Gun Club - 600 yrd. Rifle Range, Colorado. Elev: 6,227ft.
Ammunition: .45 ACP - 230 grn. FMJ-RN - custom load
It had been nearly a year and a half since I served as a spotter for Karl Lippard during his 1000 yard shoot at Wittington, New Mexico, but finally time and schedules had allowed me to get together with Mr. Lippard at our local gun club for my own attempt at a 600 yard qualification with my 1911 A2/T1 Combat NCO.
Conditions were excellent at 76 degrees with light variable winds from 6 o'clock and an overcast sky.
Karl reviewed with me the proper technique and sight picture to be used, checked alignment of my pistol's rear sight, and fired a couple of test rounds to confirm point of impact. The sight picture and procedure he outlined were exactly as that stated in Section 3 of the NCO manual - which I had reviewed the day before.
I had engaged in several discussions with Karl over the previous months regarding .45 ACP ammunition (.45 Auto), his findings and what the ideal round would be for the task at hand; in this case, the 600 yard shoot. Karl had accumulated a substantial amount of chronograph data on a very wide range of "off-the-shelf" and "special order" pre-manufactured ammunition in this caliber.
The thing that struck me about his data were the wild inconsistencies in muzzle velocities found in any single box of .45 pistol ammunition and that this variance was found in essentially all the brands of ammo he had tested. As a competitive rifle shooter, I know that consistent ammunition performance is absolutely critical in acquiring long range accuracy.
It was clear from his data that .45 ACP ammunition was simply never loaded to anywhere near the tolerances one would expect from something like a "match-grade" rifle round. This apparent lack of precision becomes more understandable when one reflects on the typical IPSC shooting distances of 7 to 15 meters that most .45 ACP shooters will engage at.
Given the lack of what I considered reasonably consistent ammunition in this caliber, I arrived at the firing line with my own hand loaded ammunition for the 600 yard shoot. The load I worked up was entirely experimental but the intention was to achieve 975 FPS initial muzzle velocity with a 230 grain FMJRN - as specified in section 3-3 of the NCO manual as correlating to the pistol's front sight indexing. I utilized some bulk "Barry's Bullets" that I had on hand - checking each bullet for consistent weight prior to loading and disregarded any with a variance of more than 1 grain. The load selected was 7.0 grains of Unique with an OAL of 1.26" in previously fired Fiocchi brass. Later chronograph data showed this load to be slightly hotter than intended - producing an average of 995 FPS.
The "targets" consisted of 2 - 24" steel disks set next to each other and painted red. Each would act as a "bulls-eye" in an open dirt area on one end of the 600 yard range. Mine would be the left target.
Once spotters were on their respective scopes, I placed the weapon on the bag rest, buried my rear sight, fixed my point of aim and commenced fire. Somewhat to my surprise, the first rounds were very close, impacting on the berm right behind the bulls-eye with an easily visible splash in the dry dirt; each round's impact being confirmed by two spotters. Within a few more rounds I was consistently shooting a 6 ft. cone of impact all around the bulls-eye and then hitting the bull itself. Wonderfully satisfying.
The trip down range to check the target brought further light to the situation. The berm area behind the target was much smaller than I had estimated from 600 yards away and I realized even my misses were much closer than I had thought. The dirt all around and behind the target clearly showed my bullet impacts in the disturbed dry dirt. Any human-sized target centered on the bull would have been hit numerous times. As "suppressing" or "cover fire", there was no doubt that this weapon would have been very effective. It was clear that, in fact, no man would be safe from this pistol at 600 yards.
It should be noted that I do not shoot pistols on a very regular basis (I tend toward rifles) nor am I rated "expert" with a pistol as are others that have successfully shot the 600 Qualification in the past. I am, however, proof that as long as one can bring to bear the skills necessary to achieve good sight alignment, correct point of aim, and proper trigger control, (and some decent ammunition) the 1911 A2 Combat NCO will do what is asked of it. A truly remarkable weapon indeed.
Official 1000 & 500 Yard Record for Pistol set 3/28 - 29, 2014 - NRA Whittington Center
Shooter: Karl Lippard
Witnesses: Steve Davis, Randall Crimson, Harry Claflin, et al.

Range: 1000 & 500 yards
Target: 72"x72" 600 yard rifle target
Weapon: 1911 A2 Combat NCO (pistol) - open sights
Location: NRA Whittington Center - 1000 yrd. Rifle Range, Raton, New Mexico
Ammunition: Buffalo Bore .45 +P - 230 grn. Speer JHP
:: Read an account of the 1000 & 500 yrd. World Record shoot from the shooter here ::
Look for the article on the 1000 & 500 yrd World Record Pistol shoot in an upcoming edition of Soldier of Fortune Magazine.
Testimonial submitted 5/1/2014 by:
R.S. Crimson
Competitive Shooter
Spotter, 1000 & 500 Yard World Record Shoot, Whittington Center.

The image above is a photo of the actual notepad I used while spotting for Mr. Karl Lippard as he shot for record on 3/28/14 at Wittington in Raton New Mexico. The image shows the impact of each round as seen through my scope from the 1000 yard line. It depicts what is effectively an 8 foot cone of fire (10 rounds) centered around the 6 foot target.
The page is signed by the witnesses that were there at the 1000 yrd line that day - including representatives of Soldier of Fortune Magazine, as well as the man in the butts who was marking the target and confirming point of impact during the shoot.
The conditions were adverse. We were subject to constant sustained shifting winds well in excess of 25 mph. I witnessed and called wind indicators showing full value opposing indications over the range of fire throughout the entire term of the shoot. As a competitive rifle shooter, I can say without hesitation that few trained riflemen could have grouped better - and most would never have tried - given the shooting conditions.
Additionally, it is significant that Mr. Lippard utilized factory loaded ammunition for this shoot (not custom hand-loaded ammo) - the inherent variance of which surely extended the cone of fire.
I believe that the results of the shoot well demonstrated that the mass and related ballistic coefficient of the .45 ACP round allowed it to cut through the shifting winds in a surprisingly efficient manner - rivaling the flight performance of most rifle bullets in those wind conditions.
I was present as Mr. Lippard shot the 500 yrd record the next day. The wind conditions were even worse - gusting to 35+ mph. Nonetheless, Mr. Lippard put 8 pf 10 on the paper without much trouble.
As an owner of the Lippard 1911A2, I can attest to it's innovation, quality and craftsmanship. It performs at a level far beyond any other 1911-type pistol I have encountered. The trigger is superb. The pistol's sights are indexed to allow for quick targeting out to 400 yards. Although I personally have had very limited time behind this pistol (less than 1000 rounds), I have found it is quite easy to consistently put fire on an 8" target at 100 yards and was able to put all 10 rounds fired on paper at 200 yards under very high wind conditions without prior practice.
Although it is clear that Mr Lippard is an exceptional marksman, I believe that even shooters of moderate experience could use this pistol to great effect at ranges out to 400 yards - with minimal training and practice.
Combat NCO - 600 Yrd. World Record Video Footage
Never before seen footage of Karl Lippard Shooting the 600 yrd Record @ NRA Whittington Center on 9/22/12
Official 600 Yard Record for Pistol set 9/22/12 - NRA Whittington Center
Shooter: Karl Lippard
Witnesses: Charles Henderson, Steve Davis, George Wright, Randall Crimson, Scott McIntire, et al.

Range: 600 yards
Target: 72"x72" 600 yard rifle target
Weapon: 1911 A2 Combat NCO (pistol) - open sights
Location: NRA Whittington Center - 1000 yrd. Rifle Range, Raton, New Mexico
The event was witnessed by numerous individuals.
:: Read an account of the World Record shoot from the man behind the trigger here ::
NCO Range Test 8/29/2012
Shooter: Karl Lippard
Spotter/Witness: Steve Davis

Range: 600 yards
Target: 36"x36" target (center portion only of a 72"x72" 600 yard rifle target)
Weapon: 1911 A2 Combat NCO (pistol) - open sights
Ammunition: .45 ACP, 230 grn. FMJ-HP / Chrono: 913 FPS
Location: Ben Lomond Gun Club, Colorado / elev. 6500 MSL
Conditions: wind-25-30 mph sustained @ 6 o'clock
Witness: Steve Davis, Sgt. USMC (fmr) - Distinguished Shooter, Range Master, Ben Lomond Gun Club
Testimonial submitted 7/30/2012 by:
J.L. Thompson
Colonel-Armor, USA Retired
I would like to add a few comments to those provided by Steve Davis.
When Steve first told me about Karl and a 1911 that could shoot accurately at 600 yards I was more than a little skeptical. I wore one for many days and nights while on active duty for over three years in an armored cavalry squadron of an armored division in then W. Germany.
I had many chances to fire my 1911 on the ranges we ran for our troopers. I was able to qualify Expert each year however I would not call myself a true "expert" with that pistol.
I watched Karl, Steve and several of the others shoot on that Saturday and was very impressed. When it was my turn I used one if the Combat NCO's that Karl had and with his coaching on sight picture, drift, and Kentucky windage I was able to put several rounds in the target area within a beaten zone that would be effective suppressive fire in a combat situation. Charles was also a great help in spotting the strike of my rounds and making the necessary corrections. I am now a believer in the ability of Karl's product to do what no other .45 caliber pistol with a 5 in barrel will do. I am eagerly awaiting the return of my 1911 that Karl has worked his magic on as soon as the adjustable rear sights arrive from the fabricator. I plan on shooting at these long ranges just as often as I have the opportunity.
Forrest Thompson
Colonel - Armor, USA Retired
Testimonial submitted 7/23/2012 by:
George Wright
President, Ben Lomond Gun Club
Referencing the 600 yard shoot held July 21, 2012.
I met Karl Lippard at a Board meeting of Ben Lomond Gun Club, Inc. about 2 years ago. Karl was present to give a presentation of his Combat NCO 1911 pistols. Particularly interesting to me was his talk of his pistol capable of consistently hitting a target at 400 yards…..400 yards with a 1911???? I frankly was not convinced this was consistently possible.
Well as time passed I was fortunate to have several meet-ups at the range, at random, with both Karl and Charles Henderson. The topic most discussed of course was the “400 yard shot”. We were never able to shoot together due to prior commitments on my part. On July 21st, 2012 it finally happened. With instructions from Karl and great spotting by Charles I had no trouble delivering suppressed fire at 600 yards on a 12” steel plate that at best was a red blur at that distance to my 73 year old eyes. I do a considerable amount of shooting 300-500 rounds in a given week. Prior to this date my longest shooting with my handguns was 100 yards. As I stood around waiting for everything to get setup I was focused on that red blur at 600 yards and tried to convince myself that I would not make a complete fool of myself when I attempted shooting a pistol at that distance. Setting at the bench I kept looking over the sights trying to picture that red blur’s location. First shot wide right but in line with the target, amazing. Successive shots, 10, with the exception of a couple of throwaway’s, would have sent any enemies running for whatever cover was available. I asked for one last shot and standing up 2-hands put that shot a little short, but in line with the target….. again amazing.
With practice, with a Combat NCO, I am convinced that I could hit a given target at 600 yards with a pistol designed as a 400 yard pistol with 400 yard sights. I am looking forward to shooting with these new sights that Karl is presently designing.
George Wright
President, Ben Lomond Gun Club
Testimonial submitted 6/19/2012 by:
Michael C. Martensen
U.S. Air Force Colonel, retired
U.S. Air Force pilot, Gulf War I, retired
M.E. Aeronautical Engineering
I wanted to thank you again for allowing me the pleasure to use your 1911 A2 during my conceal carry course. What a superb weapon. I have to admit that after not having fired a weapon for almost 10 years I was intimidated at the prospect of taking a class with a weapon which by reputation possesses a substantial recoil and one with which only the best of operators can accurately and consistently hit their targets. My hat is off to you and your design. From the first to the last round fired, it was a exquisite. On my first magazine I placed all my rounds in center mass with a pattern I would have been proud to display when I was active duty. And while I would like to say it was all operator technique truth be told the advantage fell squarely on the device in my hand. There was absolutely no recoil even though I mistakenly purchased hot rounds. My site picture never wavered between rounds which allowed me to focus on my target and not react to the weapon. I fired well over 100 rounds and while I can't say every shot hit its mark I am confident my inaccuracy was not attributed to the weapon in my hand. You firmly won me over as a believer. You improvements are truly remarkable.
Michael C. Martensen
Witness testimony of 600 yard record
Testimonial submitted 6/12/2011 by:
Steve Davis
Former Sgt. of the Marines
Former Marine Intramural Rifle and Pistol team
Former Jefferson County Sheriff Department's Pistol Team, Distinguished Expert
Current Chapter Director for Ben Lomond Gun Club, Range Officer, CCW Instructor
I can't begin to thank both of you enough for yesterdays demonstration of the Lippard Combat NCO A2 and the chance to shoot one of the finest 45 auto's that I've ever had the privilege of firing.
I'm currently the Chapter Director for Ben Lomond Gun Club at the Tri-Lakes Chapter in Monument, Colorado. I'm also one of the range officers at Ben Lomond and I shoot in several of the disciplines, such as, sporting clays, skeet, trap, military high power matches, and I'm a Rifle, Shotgun, Pistol, and a CCW Instructor. I've been shooting all types of firearms as long as I can remember, I was raised with them.
This long story is just to give you some background on myself and to help lend credence to my testimonial of what I witnessed yesterday at Ben Lomond Gun Club's high power range. I own and shoot numerous 45 autos, but never have I handled or fired a 45 pistol of this quality and accuracy in my life. I only fired it offhand at the 100 yard line with swirling winds that were 35mph gusting to 50mph and I shot a group that amazed me for those conditions, all killing shots in a man silhouette target. I personally observed other members and guests fire the A2 with the same results. The real icing on the cake, so to speak, was when Karl Lippard sat down with a sand bag rest and proceeded to put 3 out of 5 and then 4 out of 6 rounds on an 18 inch gong at 600 yards, not once or twice but 4 or 5 times. The other rounds would have kept the enemy's heads down and provided ample cover fire all with a 45 semi auto pistol, that was truly amazing.
I can only imagine what properly trained Marines, DEA, Border Patrol, Swat teams, Seals and Special Forces could add an element that has been missing, the offensive weapon capability of their sidearm. George Patton called the M1 Garand the "finest battle weapon ever made" but he isn't around to see and shoot the Lippard Combat NCO A2, he just might change his mind. This weapon takes the fight to the enemy in a form that no one would suspect. The United States Marine Corps needs to put the A2 in the in the hands of the best fighting men in the world.
Please feel free to share this with those doubting Thomas's , whoever and where ever they are.
Semper Fi, Fraters Infintas,
Steve Davis - Proud Former Sgt. of the Marines.

Ben Lomond Gun Club Record Day Photo
Sgt. Karl Lippard (left, shooter) / CWO Charles Henderson (right, spotter)
Testimonial submitted 6/12/2011 by:
Charles H.
We spent Saturday at the Ben Lomond Gun Club open house, shooting the Combat NCO on the rifle range. We demonstrated the pistol on 100 yards because of severe winds, 35 mph gusting to 55 mph. Most consumers who shot the gun got nice groups on the 20 inch silhouette targets we set at 100 yards, despite the severe winds. What was most amazing was the repeated demonstrations throughout the day of Karl, seated at a shooting table with his hand on a sandbag rest, and shooting an orange painted, 18-inch gong target at 600 yards. Yes, 600 yards! The shot groups were within a 6 foot radius with many shots hitting the target. We counted four shots on target out of six in one group, three out of five on target in another. And Karl did this all day long. Such fire demonstrated that the Combat NCO is effective at providing suppression fire at 600 yards and killing fire at that range as well. He only had a very few flyers that went outside the six foot radius where vast majority of shots hit. Most shots that missed the target were within a foot or two of the target. Therefore, if an enemy had been in that position, the odds of killing him with the shots was great. Definitely suppressed the enemy and prevented him from advancing.
To give you an idea of wind adjustment, Karl had a quarter value wind, shooting at the angle he was shooting and the wind coming from behind the range firing line. At 600 yards, the wind adjustment was 13 feet to the right of the target. We know it was 13 feet because the gong targets are set up in tandem at each end of a 12 foot long arm; one target on the left and one target on the right. Karl took aim on the right target, moved his sight a foot to the right and fired, striking the left target. Had the gun been equipped with adjustable sights, he could have set his dope on the sights. With the fixed sights, he had to take target holds to compensate for this harsh wind.
This demonstrates that the Combat NCO is effective at battlefield range (500 yards), the first such handgun ever capable of such firing capability.
I do not believe that a person shooting a rifle would have shot a much better grouping than Karl accomplished with the pistol. In fact, we had one man on the firing line who shot a Barrett .50 caliber rifle with scope, shooting from the prone, shooting at an 8 foot wide by 4 foot high target and his bullet dispersion was greater than Karl was achieving with the Combat NCO. I do not discredit the man’s marksmanship, because the winds were horrible, fishtailing right and left and blowing 35 mph constant and gusting to 55 mph. We also had sand blowing into everything, and the Combat NCO just ate it up. This gun is made for harsh conditions, heavy sands and demanding use extremes.
Comments from all the people who witnessed this gun’s capabilities and shot the gun is that it is the best pistol they have ever seen.
Charles H.
Read the Shooter's Comments on the 600 yard 1911 A2 Combat NCO Pistol record...
::Download this document here::
Testimonial submitted 6/15/2011 by:
W.A. Hatcher
Navy Master Chief, retired
This past Saturday 6/11/2011 I was able to be at Ben Lomond Gun Club near Ramah,Co. Where Lippard guns were demonstrating the above noted weapon. As retired Navy Master Chief I have been around military weapons most of my adult life. In all that time never have I seen a hand gun that was as easy to,handle, or, as accurate. While standing back observing all the people that handled and fired the gun it seemed that all were impressed with the weapon.
All of the testimonials I have reviewed are from former military with combat type experience. They speak with much more knowledge about that side of what can be expected from the gun than I. As a life time hunter, it was amazing that the 45 pistol that everyone I have seen has the hardest time being able to qualify with.
W.A. Hatcher ENCM USN ret.
Testimonial submitted 6/6/2011 by:
Mike D.
Army Forward Observer for 8" Howitzers
I took our two NCO's out this last Friday morning down to Carlsbad's gun range to try some longer distance shooting. We were on a 200 yard rifle range and no longer distance available on this range. We were sighting in a couple of rifles first with the wind starting to build coming in mostly from our back. Satisfied with rifle sighting, I started warming up the NCO's. Blew plenty of holes in an old 1 gal coffee can scarcely moving it. It didn't sink in on me that the ammo I was shooting was pretty hot, no real recoil with that sweet counter-balance on the end. I kept expecting to skip that can around; walked up to it and realized that higher velocity ammo was just sailing through the two layers of can with little movement. Decided to plink around on a couple of tennis balls and had more luck skipping them around.
By now the wind had gotten up to about 15-20 mph and 45 degree cross to line of fire, but decided to try my hand at the 18" "gong" target out at 200 yds. I braced my hands on the nice shaded bench rests there, used the NCO manual techniques for elevating to 200 yds and to my great surprise SMACKED the gong with the first shot! Now this is surprising to me for two reasons, I'm a very shaky 62 yr old fart and I barely can see the target even with glasses correcting my vision. Subsequent shots proved it was not a fluke, hitting the gong at least half the time and only slightly missing the rest of the time. Had it been a live target, it would have been seriously disabled or running sh**less! I decided, what to heck, just stand up and try the same routine. Sure enough, had surprisingly good hits on the gong. There was just enough lag in shooting and hitting the gong to hear it every time even with hearing protection and howitzer impaired hearing (past military experiences). I had the same shooting experiences with both of our NCO's before it got up to about 100 degrees and we decided to go eat some ribs in town.
So who are the DIPSTICKS that think you can't reach out and touch someone or thing with these NCO's?? I am seriously considering hunting Elk with my NCO's in our brushy hills this fall if I can draw out for a good hunt (will know next week). Of course, I would use some of my Hornady +P ammo 230 gn hollow point, 950 fps. Most of my luck has been closer range, calling in those majestic creatures, but I wouldn't be afraid of reaching on out there 200 yds. Besides, carrying around a 15-20 lb rifle is getting to be a lot more effort for an old "codger" !
Bottom line is, this is the finest, most accurate shooting pistol I have laid my hands on. As a past Liaison NCO, Forward Observer for 8" Self-propelled Howitzers, packing a Colt 1911, NO Colt ever shot like these and believe me, I've cranked out thousands of rounds in my day on many military ranges and a few other less hospitable circumstances. Incidentally, that trigger pull is REAL SMOOTH, even after MISTAKENLY messing with it. BE SURE AND ADVISE EVERYBODY TO LEAVE THAT TRIGGER SET SCREW ALONE (the Allen wrench supplied is for rear sight adjustment only)!
Thanks Karl for bringing us into a new era for the 1911 format!! I'm looking forward to hunting and pleasure shooting for years to come with our NCO's. I'm getting plenty of OOO's and AH's from those laying their hands on ours! I just have to tell them, "GET YOUR OWN"!
Mike D.
Testimonial submitted 6/5/2011 by:
"Doc" B.
Navy Lt. Cmdr, Force Recon
FYI - the new 1911 A2. I bought one and shot well @ 200yds; couldn't see farther.
Testimonial submitted 5/30/2011 by:
Marine Sgt.
Doc B. and I shot 350 rounds through my NCO today. We did shoot at 25, 100 and 200 yards, and both he and I were impressed with the accuracy, using your use directive on long range shooting. One or both of us actually hit a one gallon bottle at 200 yds... great for old guys with somewhat impaired eyesight....
Semper Fi
Testimonial submitted 5/27/2011 by:
Retired FBI
Frank and I went down to Cactus Flats for a handgun shoot this morning…interesting place with interesting people.…we had the 25 yard pistol range to ourselves.
We both shot one box total with the new NCO pistol and we both had a good time shooting it…the trigger pull was delicate and I am glad we didn't shoot any into the surrounding countryside. The recoil did not seem any more than my PPS 9mm…which is minimal. Thanks, it was worth the wait.
I will try to encourage the local firearms guys to go out to shoot with you. I think if they shot it without the nosepiece and then with it, they would all be amazed. It is not the size for the whole Bureau, but it should be considered by SWAT and SOG…and anyone else man enough to carry a purse to haul it around.
Testimonial submitted 5/18/2011 by:
General USMC, retired
No one can doubt who reads that exposition about the potential of the A2. I think the military special forces of every stripe are your prime prospective customers as the regular forces would have to make a "sea change" in the way they think about the utility of a pistol.
Testimonial submitted 4/22/2011 by:
I went to the range today to do a short functionality test on my NCO....err, let me rephrase that....."test on the magazines" in my Combat NCO. Up front, I will say, this weapon is the most accurate pistol I have ever had the pleasure to shoot...and I have shot many. You were correct when you told me it would shoot one hole...it did, at 15 ft 58 degrees with 35 mph winds...."all 6 rounds". I kept the targets...cuz they impressed me. Dave the Seabee...err, Navy guy, even got to shoot and likewise very impressed with the NCO…
Testimonial submitted 2/25/2011 by:
German Match Shooter
As a collector of firearms and after 35 years of active target shooting I owned hundreds of different handguns and shot twice as much. 25 years ago I entered a lot of contests and shot national and international championships
My target pistols were always well-selected individual pieces. My best successes I boasted with a .45 ACP custom made by HK on base of a 1911 with a Caspian frame. I also like to recollect on one of the first pistols made by Peter Stahl. Unfortunately especially the pistols in .45 ACP were exposed a high rate of wastage. As a target shooter you know what it means if your pistol begins to loose precision after 5,000 rounds and you have to do an expensive general overhaul.
A couple of weeks ago I received your .45 ACP NCO-Target with a lifetime warranty. From the first beginning I was intrigued by this pistol. In spite of the fact that it has absolutely no tolerance the sleigh moves soft and smooth. Only one time in my live I saw such a piece of fine workmanship at a pistol: it was the Korriphila "Odines Eye" made by Edgar Budischowski from one solid piece of Damascus steel. The price of this piece in 1982 was around 16,000 US $!
The practice at the range surpasses all exceptions. The pistol has a great balance, is completely unsusceptible for different ammunition and loads, and the precision overtops every pistol I ever shot.
After 20 rounds I was able to shoot touching holes in the 25 yards target. The trigger is nice and "try", the recoil is soft… it's a great pistol!
If I have to give away 99 of my 100 pistols (because perhaps President Obama changed the 2nd Amendment to improve the economy…) I would not hesitated keeping the NCO!
Many thanks for this progress in developing of the 1911!